[Vwdiesel] final drive seals

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 22 14:52:22 EST 2006

The drive flanges aren't that hard to remove.  There
is a "tool" that you can make easily enough.  I
attached a pic that Sandy Cameron sent to me.  (Those
on the list may not be able to get it.)

Basically, after the drive shafts are off, you will
pop a little seal out of the middle of the shaft. 
(You may want to secure a couple new seals, as
sometimes they have to be destroyed to remove them,
depending on how lucky you are.)  Inside, you will
find a threaded hole that the bolt in the middle of
the tool attaches to.  Basically, all the tool is a
piece of flat metal that is slightly longer than the
diameter of the shaft.  You will thread a couple of
the axle bolts back into their holes, hold the metal
bar (I actually use a piece of angle iron, which kept
the tool from spinning) over the tops of the two
bolts, and then use the middle bolt through a hole
you've drilled to pull the shaft into the

That will relieve the pressure on the circlip allowing
you to pop it off.  Undo the bolt and the shaft will
come out.

I had to do a little experimenting to find the right
combination of washers on the middle bolt and how far
to screw in the two axle bolts to be able to get it
together.  IIRC, I had to kind of get it set up, and
then pop the bar up and onto the two bolts.  (Just
push in on the shaft a little to do that.)

Hope that helps,


--- Pam & Doug Boes <db53248 at alltel.net> wrote:

> I'm planning to do a trans swap. I will replace the
> main shaft seal, the
> pushrod seal and the engine rear main seal as well
> as the clutch. I'd also
> like to replace the seals on the final drive. How
> difficult is removal of
> the drive flanges to get access to the seals. Are
> there any special tools
> required for flange removal or seal installation?
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado 
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599

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