[Vwdiesel] Jetta just stopped running

fudny at aol.com fudny at aol.com
Wed Jan 25 19:31:06 EST 2006

 Ok update.
  I primed the pump the best I think I can. Pulled off banjo connection 
poured in till it spilled over but was a very small amount and filled 
the input line until it spilled more out of the banjo return line 
fitting. Reassembled connections tried it and not good news. Repeated 
the process but than applied a small amount of vacuum to the return 
line fitting and can see it drawn thru the clear input line so I 
believe the pump to be filled with fuel. Still no good. I than again 
tried it but this time opened up an injector line for #4 cylinder and 
barely a dribble produced.

  Can a pump just decide it is time to stop instead of slowly fading 
away? The car ran great, started fine even in the upstate New York 
cold, had a good amount of it's 52 horsepower with minimal smoking. I 
have maybe 200k on the clock. Broken trip odometer of course.

  If anyone can think of anything missed I can spend one more night 
testing but after that I'll dig the spare pump out and see if I can get 
it operational.

 Thanks again - Terry

 -----Original Message-----
 From: LBaird119 at aol.com
 To: Vwdiesel at vwfans.com
 Sent: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 02:26:02 EST
 Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Jetta just stopped running

 First make darn sure the shutoff solenoid is pulling open. Swap in the
  one from the other pump, put a plug in its place, pull the plunger and 
  it as a plug only... If that's fine then make sure you have power to 
 solenoid. Before you try cranking it over and running the battery down,
  fill the pump with fuel (pull the return banjo bolt and fill from 
  the bolt.) If you can get pressure in the tank, fill the supply and 
 lines with fuel as well.
 The only two ways I know for the pump to actually quit pumping fuel is
  if the vanes wore completey out (not terribly likely) or if the input 
 seal is leaking so much air that the pump can't lift any fuel.
  Other things that come to mind is a brokent timing belt (pump not 
  at all) or a sudden split in a fuel line (sucking air) or a "floater" 
in the
 the fuel plugged the line.
  Air filters get pretty cruddy this time of year but that shouldn't 
make it
 suddenly stop. A bit overheated can blow the head gasket and make one
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