[Vwdiesel] rabbit commercial?

Libbybapa at wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Thu Jul 6 11:27:06 EDT 2006

In a message dated 7/5/06 11:06:06 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
LBaird119 at aol.com writes:

> Is that US or Imperial mpg?  Even at Imperial it beats a hybrid!  :-)

That is US Gallons.  The Lupo, Polo and Audi A2 can all come as "3L cars" 
fitted with the 1.2 TDI.  By definition a 3L car consumes less than 3L of fuel 
per 100km in all driving conditions.  Doing the math that works out to 78.4 
miles per US Gallon.  The Lupo on it's trek around the world *averaged* close to 
100 miles per US gallon.  It's been a while since I looked at the specs, but 
none of the cars were slow IMO with top speeds over 100 mph and 0-60 times I 
believe around 15 seconds.  They were fitted with an automatically shifted manual 
transmission and whenever stopped the engine would shut off.  As soon as it 
was called upon to go it would spring to life and take off, apparently with 
virtually no lag.  The A2 was the most appealing to me looking like it was a 
reasonably sized car (5 seater hatchback) and more comfy than the Lupo or Polo.  
Yes, much better fuel economy than the hybrids.  I am also sure that mantenance 
cost would be lower, and the specs on acceleration and top speed would be 
better, but I haven't checked.  Cheers.


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