[Vwdiesel] rabbit commercial?

Bryan K. Walton bryankwalton at machlink.com
Thu Jul 6 11:55:35 EDT 2006

On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 11:27:06AM -0400, Libbybapa at wmconnect.com wrote:
> That is US Gallons.  The Lupo, Polo and Audi A2 can all come as "3L cars" 
> fitted with the 1.2 TDI.  By definition a 3L car consumes less than 3L of fuel 
> per 100km in all driving conditions.  

It seems that everywhere I turn, I find people that are very
interested in the tdi version of the Polo.  And furthermore, everyone
who is even remotely interested wonders why VW doesn't bring it to the
USA.  I can only assume that the answer is in one of the following:

1. VWoA is dumb as rocks and they don't know what they are doing.
2. They have plans to bring the Polo TDI to the US starting in 2008.
3. They have market researched this to death and unfortunately (for
	us) have come to the conclusion that it won't sell well.

Despite people's opinions of VWoA, I'm more inclined to suspect that the
issue is either related to number 2 or 3 above.  I surely hope it is
number 2.  If it is number 1, we can hope that they get their act
together.  However, option 3 seems the most dreaded for me.  It would
suggest the need for higher than present consumer demand.  Other
than hoping for a fuel cost spike, I'm hard pressed to think of things
that might affect number 3.


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