[Vwdiesel] A/C compressors

gary gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Sun Jul 16 12:26:55 EDT 2006

My 1980 NA P/U has A/C. It has a Sanden rotary compressor and has been 
converted to R134. It cools well. You can tell when the compressor kicks 
in, but it isn't really too bad. It is definitely drivable in everyday 
traffic. I have both timing and fueling turned up, so perhaps that has 
some bearing on driveability.


Sandy Cameron wrote:
> At 08:41 PM 15/07/2006 EDT, you wrote:
>>  On the Jetta I don't even notice that the A/C is on most of the time.  
>  >Don't  feel it kick in and out though like a lot of cars.  :-)  
> Must be a 134 system.
> I think , in 1994, with the advent of 134, and on the 1.9, a new type of
> variable displacement compressor was created, that does not cycle on and off. 
> Bentley, Page 8-2, heating and air conditioning.
> I notice, (or don't notice) any cycling on my 94 1.9, except at turning it
> on or off.
> The rest of the time it runs continously and un noticeably.
> Bently says it adjusts it's displacement according to the heat load
> (refrigerant flow), but runs constantly when switched on.
> One would expect the clutch to last much longer than the ones that cycle,
> (like my old R-12, 1987 jetta),  on which I was going to install a
> compressor cut-out switch on the gearshift for passing execises, before it
> grenaded and I removed everything A/C related.
> Sandy
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