[Vwdiesel] A/C compressors... the result

The President quantum-man at hotmail.co.uk
Sat Jul 29 20:25:49 EDT 2006

I've just won on ebay a (nearly) complete a/c setup for my Quantum. My 
latest 'Q' was hit by a truck and their insurance has agreed a $370 payout. 
Panel repairabl in my opinion. Car only cost$50; hence I'm stuffing the 
money back in.

eBay #  290009682569 $213 +P&P
Just lacks the 5 way switch and the heater sliders. Being an '85 it didn't 
have those silly push buttons.So I think the non a/c sliders should work?? 
The seller seems to think it should all fit with a little cutting into a non 

Gary, where does the a/c lines enter the bulkhead? Anyone have a picture? I 
see no spare rubber grommets.

All I need now is a cruise control setup and I'll be happy :oD


>From: gary <gbangs at cfl.rr.com>
>To: vwdiesel at audifans.com
>Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] A/C compressors
>Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 12:26:55 -0400
>My 1980 NA P/U has A/C. It has a Sanden rotary compressor and has been
>converted to R134. It cools well. You can tell when the compressor kicks
>in, but it isn't really too bad. It is definitely drivable in everyday
>traffic. I have both timing and fueling turned up, so perhaps that has
>some bearing on driveability.
>Sandy Cameron wrote:
> > At 08:41 PM 15/07/2006 EDT, you wrote:
> >
> >>  On the Jetta I don't even notice that the A/C is on most of the time.
> >>
> >
> >  >Don't  feel it kick in and out though like a lot of cars.  :-)
> >
> > Must be a 134 system.
> > I think , in 1994, with the advent of 134, and on the 1.9, a new type of
> > variable displacement compressor was created, that does not cycle on and 
> >
> > Bentley, Page 8-2, heating and air conditioning.
> >
> > I notice, (or don't notice) any cycling on my 94 1.9, except at turning 
> > on or off.
> > The rest of the time it runs continously and un noticeably.
> >
> > Bently says it adjusts it's displacement according to the heat load
> > (refrigerant flow), but runs constantly when switched on.
> >
> > One would expect the clutch to last much longer than the ones that 
> > (like my old R-12, 1987 jetta),  on which I was going to install a
> > compressor cut-out switch on the gearshift for passing execises, before 
> > grenaded and I removed everything A/C related.
> >
> > Sandy
> >
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