[Vwdiesel] Oil is in my cooling system water

82 Diesel Westy dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 19 11:10:50 EDT 2006

Sherwin, you have a leaking head gasket and it will
damage the head in time from overheating.  VERY common
and easy to fix in the whole relm of things.

Both coolant and oil flow in seperate passages between
the block and head, not that the seal is no longer
sealing, oil and coolant are allow to mix in the area
between the head and the block.

good luck with the repair, you should not have to
remove the motor from van to do this, do not let a
garage say they must, although removing the motor and
trans from a diesel vanagon is very easy.

Bryan, NJ

--- Sherwin Goff <sherwingoff at yahoo.com> wrote:

> To all you wonderful VW Diesel lovers out there: 
>   I have three questions.
>   My belief is that before I set about to fix a
> problem, I really need to understand the first cause
> of the problem. 
>   If I fix the problem now but do not understand its
> cause, I can have the same problem again and again. 
>   After I understand the original cause, then I can
> better understand the problem. I'm looking for the
> original cause of the problem. 
>   1983 VW diesel Westfalia
>   My three questions are:
>   1.) What problem do I now have that is allowing
> engine oil to escape into my cooling system?  
>   2.) What could have been the original CAUSE or
> possible CAUSES of my having this oil seeping into
> my cooling system? What would be the cause of a
> thing like this ever happening in the first place?
>   3.) What kind of damage could this have done to my
> engine (if any)? 
>        (a) What then are the solutions 
>        to the problem I now have and; 
>   (b) What is the solution to what may have caused
> this problem to begin with?
>   Thanks!
>   Sherwin
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Bryan Belman, Pt Pleasant, NJ
04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp   -- running :)
82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA               -- running :)
92 Jetta Eco-Turbo Diesel           -- not running yet <:>
90 Audi 200, 2.2L Turbo FWD         -- runs some times, need to sell :(
70 Type 1 stock Beetle              -- Not running well :(

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