No subject

Fri Jul 14 15:42:52 EDT 2006

6.4psi and 23psi.  So, let me ask these questions that might help me
understand this better:
1. When (if ever) should pressure be under 2.1 psi?
2. When (if ever) should it be between 2.1 and 6.4 psi?
3. When (if ever) should it be between 6.4 and 23 psi?
4. When (if ever) should it be between 23 and 29 psi?

> psi. Now, anytime the oil pressure is too low, the buzzer should come on 
> with the light. However, I believe there is some sort of delay built into 
> the system that will keep it from buzzing during the first few seconds 
> after startup.

That makes sense.  My owner's manual and Bentley both say that the
buzzer should not sound unless the oil pressure is too low AND the
RPMs are OVER 2000.

> On the subject of the bypass valve, there isn's such a thing that I'm aware 
> of in the actual oiling system. Your opperating pressures will be quite a 
> bit higher than that, especially when cold. From my experience an engine 
> wouldn't run very long at high RPM's on 22 psi oil pressure.

That makes sense, I went back and looked at my Bentley again, and it
appears that the bypass valve I mentioned applies only to
piston-cooling oil jets on turbo-diesel models. 

> As for the actual oil pressure, there really is no "ideal" oil pressure. It 
> varies from engine to engine. There are guidelines, however, which is why 
> VW put a range into the warning system. However, your oil pressure should 

I've always heard that the ideal is 10 PSI per 1,000 RPM, but if VW
wants 29 psi at 2000rpms, then it appears they designed the diesel
rabbits for something closer to 15psi per 1000rpms. 

> I'm guessing that you aren't having any problems, as you didn't give any 
> specific troubles with your car?

No problems.  Essentially, I'm just wanting to verify that my oil
pressure warning system works correctly in the absence of a pressure
gauge.  Is it safe to believe that as long as the idiot light doesn't
come on while driving (assuming that everything in the warning
system is fuctioning correctly) that pressure is fine and I should
continue blissfully on my merry way?


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