[Vwdiesel] Reply to Raymond Greeley & others re oil analyzer

William J Toensing toensing at theunion.net
Sun Jun 4 20:15:32 EDT 2006

In 2001 I sent away for information on the oil analyzer I bought around 1991. The reply was dated 31 July 2001 so this info is almost 5 years old. The firm is Northern Instruments Corp., 23205 Mercantile Road, Beachwood, Ohio 44112, (888)704-4410, email tswann at ntic.com . Prices then ranged from $450 to $698. I will let the rest of you do further research including a Google search, if necessary. My analyzer has more than paid for it self in oil changes not made. I don't know how the analyzers have changed but with mine, I need a sample of the clean oil put in my car so save a little when you put fresh oil in. Oils will change their blends over the years so to be accurate it should be a sample of the oil that actually went into the car. The readings from Amsoil 10W40, Series 0W30 & 20W50 will all be different & I presume for different brands of oils too, dyno or synthetic.
I hope this info is of interest to some of you.

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