[Vwdiesel] wheel noise

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 15 15:32:06 EDT 2006


I've had real good luck with a product called PB
Blaster.  It actually does what WD-40 says it will do.

If you were real nervous about getting the bolts out,
here is what I'd do.  

Soak the bolts with the PB Blaster.  Then, do "200
taps".  I read about this once, and the theory is that
the big problem with a stuck bolt is not torque, but
corrosion between the threads.

So soak the bolts, then tap it sharply with a hammer
200 times, it should be a sharp tap, and at about a
rate of 100 per minute.  Sometimes I stop two or three
times and spray more PBB.  

That method does surprise me on how well it works
sometimes.  I think if you do that a couple times and
maybe with some heat and the thing still doesn't come
out, you are never going to get it out.


--- raymond greeley <rgreeley2 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> whille on the topic of rear wheel noise i will share
> a recent excperience, 
> looking for thoughts
> I had a rear brake cyl fail and after a 4 boken
> sockets and a trip back to 
> pep boys to have them
> loosen the lug nuts (requires 85lbs, thier torque
> wrech stopped at 150 
> without budgeing)
> their tire installer put on.
> So, i limp home using the parking brake, downshifing
> and the little remaing 
> brake pedal to stop
> my 91 jetta. When i get the drum off i notice that
> one of the bolts that 
> holds the bearing
> hub to the axle has snapped off (lower-forward
> bolt). Theer are only four 
> bolts holding this
> hub to the axle to start with and i am down to
> three.
> So, has anyone had luck with drilling and removing
> old bolts like this and 
> can i drive until i
> put another vehicle in its place. I am thinking i
> woudl remove all the brake 
> parts including
> the new brake cyl and then apply heat to the
> remaining bolts to better 
> insure they come
> out without braking, then replace all with new like
> strength bolts.
> I am assusming the other lower bolts are in the same
> condition (more apt to 
> rust)
> Looking for thoughts in rust friendly chicago.
> ray
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado 
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599

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