[Vwdiesel] searching the archives/ head removal ?

Libbybapa at wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Tue Jun 20 02:12:35 EDT 2006

In a message dated 6/19/06 11:03:31 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
LBaird119 at aol.com writes:

> The oil seal around the one head bolt where the oil comes up, sounds 
> like it's leaking.  It happens sometimes.  It doesn't mean the gasket will 
> fail.  It simply means you'll get oil leaking to the outside of the engine.

Although it may not be leaking combustion gasses to the coolant or mixing 
coolant and oil, I'd have to argue that if the oil is leaking out of the head 
gasket then IMO the gasket has actually failed, granted in the least emergency 
way it can.  :-)  Or perhaps the oil is actually emerging and so could be said 
to be an emergency...  Dear, dear, that sounded like something Mark would say.


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