[Vwdiesel] starting problem(things I forgot to mention)

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Wed Mar 8 21:30:04 EST 2006

At 11:51 AM 08/03/2006 -0800, you wrote:

>  I heated the fuel pump and that helped only once.
>  I don't know if this is a coincidence, but the cold start doesn't work,
even though we did the timing according to the manual (cold start in etc.)
>  It is a 85 turbo diesel which the book says doesn't have the timing
advance, I only have one indent in the cold start.

Bull!, its the other way around.

ALL have cold start  timing advance, , but fast idle did not appear until
86-87, hence no fast idle detent.

Sure sounds like your timing is retarded, and that will make starting tough
even with good glow plugs

Loosen the 3 front bolts and the single rear one (low and toward the block)
and rotate the pumpbody against the  the normal rotation of the engine (top
toward the block.

Move it about 1/16" at a time, tighten the bolts and try again.

What makes you think the cold start is not operating? You should feel
resistance to pulling it over the whole range when the engine is stopped,
and no resistance when the engine is running about 2000rpm. You should
encounter resistance over part of the range at idle. If there is no
resistance at all, there is surely something wrong with the advance device. 

You could advance the timing as described above so it will start reliably
untill you correct the timing problem...the cold start device has no effect
beyond 2000rpm


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