[Vwdiesel] starting problem testing injectors

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Fri Mar 10 02:10:23 EST 2006

In a message dated 3/9/2006 11:02:27 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
biovolks at yahoo.com writes:

> > Does anyone have a way of testing/inspecting the injectors without the 
> pressure >machine mentioned in the book, or taking them somewhere, as this is 
> my only >transportation ,so when the're pulled, i'm not drivin.

  If you can get a helper or rig up a remote start switch to the solenoid 
you have to disassemble the bracing clamps on the injector lines.  Pick a 
line that when connected has the injector pointing in a useful direction.  
done it once so it WILL work out.  :-)  Put the injectors on one at a time, 
hold a can or bottle over it as you crank the engine and watch the pattern.
  Not quite as precise as a tester but certainly better than nothing.  Be 
you pull the heat shields out from under the injectors or they'll come out 
at high velocity and might injure you.  You'll need new ones or instruction 
on how to reuse the old ones and not all survive reuse (cracks.)

> > There's one thing I'm thinking about trying...
> > If the cylinder compression is low when cranking ,then the exhaust 
> threoretically >should be too, so I'm going to check what kind of pressure comes out 
> when cold >trouble starting ,then when it's running and hot, disconnect the 
> fuel pump solenoid >lead and compare pressure.
> > I'll also compare the air intake this way.
> > Hopefully it will tell me something about overall compression. 
> > exercise in futility??? thoughts???

  Interesting idea but you'll really be checking volume by the seat of your 
pants (or sensitivity of your cheek or back of your hand.)  You won't be 
able to tell pressure since the valve open when pressure is low and they 
push the air out.  You really need to know the amount of pressure that 
develops IN the cylinder to know anything.  If you check the injectors, 
dig up an injector tester somewhere and test, check glow plugs and 
injectors at the same time.  You usually use a heat shield under the 
injector tester adapter.
  Of course be sure it's not something else before going to all this 

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