[Vwdiesel] biodiesel requiring a rebuilt injection pump on an '84 Rabbit

Andrew Buc AndrewBuc at staxman.net
Wed Mar 22 00:42:29 EST 2006

Hmm, this thread is making me uneasy. :( I know the PO of my '84 
Quantum (which I've had 5 days now!) ran biodiesel much of the time, 
and I'd be willing to bet the concentration was higher than B20. Just 
the other day I filled up w/B99, although the PO said he'd just put ~3 
gallons of dino diesel in it. According to a spreadsheet he gave me of 
work he'd done on the car, he'd replaced the front injector pump seal 
with a Viton one. Are there other seals that should be replaced also? I 
have an income tax refund coming and could spend $200 or $250 (the 
price David Cook mentioned to have a pump resealed), but I wasn't 
really counting on dumping more money into the car just now.

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