[Vwdiesel] need fuel pump to keep engine running?

82 Diesel Westy dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Tue May 16 14:25:40 EDT 2006

First you need to be sure all the AIR is out of the
fuel line coming to the filter from the tank and from
the filter to the tank.  Check the short rubber
connection from the rear pass. side of tank for leaks.
 The larger plastic hose from tank to filter rarely
have issues.  Replace the fuel line from filter to
pump with a clear fuel line so you can see bubbles. 
Disconnect from the pump and put the end of fuel line
that should connect to the "IN" banjo bolt of the pump
in a coffee can.  Have a friend stuff a rag and a air
blower in the gas tank filler hole and give it 10 psi
to PUSH the fuel out of the fuel line to make sure all
air is out.  Connect to "IN" banjo bolt on injection
pump.  Crank her over.

Fuel is gravity feed only, if you still have issues,
most likely the fuel pump needs re-sealed, about $350,
more then you most likely paid for the van, but well
worth it in my book.

Good luck,

--- Kevin <vwtopia at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Maybe someone can answer this question.  I recently
> picked up an 82 Diesel Vanagon that has sat for
> about
> 5 years.  I do not know how old the fuel is.  I did
> replace the fuel filter. 
>  To get it to run and stay running I have had to add
> a
> small fuel pump between the filter and the Injection
> Pump.  The small pump came with the Vanagon so the
> previous owner must of had problems but who knows
> how
> long ago that was (the pump was just laying in the
> back and really wasn't hooked up).  Is there
> something
> wrong with the Injection Pump? Is the fuel bad,
> although the engine runs great with the small fuel
> pump in line.
>  Any help would be appreciated.  Once I get this
> solved I send my next problem.
> Kevin 
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Bryan Belman, Pt Pleasant, NJ
04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp
Rebuilding 82 Diesel Weekender from my old rusty 82 Westy 1.9NA
90 Audi 200, 2.2L Turbo FWD
70 Type 1 stock Beetle

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