[Vwdiesel] somebodys smoking RE: ULSD effect on injector pump... :o{

B & R Decker bdecker001 at centurytel.net
Wed Nov 1 18:34:33 EST 2006

Hi Eagle 31;

            I don't have any reason to doubt that this company is a good
rebuilder of Bosch injection pumps but it seems to me that anybody who has
run, rebuilt, and studied our VW 1.6 na diesels knows that the stock Bosch
pump is capable of supplying way more fuel than the engine can use. The
limiting factor is AIR. If Giles said you would get 5% more power with their
rebuilt pump over a properly working stock pump it would be unbelievable but
you claim they say it will get 35% more power!!! 

There is a lot more power to be had from the 1.6 but it has to be from more
air. My last VW Rabbit turbo pickup probably was getting over 70 hp but it
had not only a VW Jetta turbo setup but also a 2.5 inch straight pipe
exhaust and a cold air intake. I believe I can push a 1.6 to close to 100
horses but  I believe to do so will take a good exhaust, much better intake
manifold, large intercooler and 18 to 20 lbs of boost. In the summer I drive
new Peterbuilt diesel trucks and the 2006 trucks my company had leased this
year had 475 hp Cat engines with twin turbos that would pull close to 50 lbs
of boost when you were pulling hard. Absolutely the limiting factor for
power in a VW 1.6 na is air. I can over fuel one with a stock Bosch
injection pump in an instant. Almost all performance diesels are now turboed
since it is easy to get more than enough fuel but hard to get enough air for
a proper fuel to air ratio if one wants to extract high horsepower from a
diesel engine.

            This is my take on the subject and I could be wrong but I would
have to see the results on a dyno with a stock Bosch pump and then with the
Giles rebuilt Bosch pump timed the same to believe anything other than what
I said in the first place. " Somebodys Smoking"






From: engle31 at comcast.net [mailto:engle31 at comcast.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 5:32 AM
To: B & R Decker
Subject: Re: somebodys smoking RE: [Vwdiesel] ULSD effect on injector
pump... :o{


I haven't had any experience with this rebuilder but I have freind that
have. The rebuilder has developed proven performance increase in the
injection pump. I know someone who has had their pump rebuilt and upgraded
by that company and has seen a dramatic increase in HP.Granted that the
vehicle also has a free flowing exhaust system and that may have helped his
performace gains. There are many posts on a variety of other diesel forums
that boast similar results.


Do you have first hand knowledge or experience with a rebuild/Upgarde from
Giles in Canada?

I didn't just pull this info out of the air! I have access to a spare
injector pump and may send it to Giles sometime in the future. Any increase
in performance is a positive thing.


-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "B & R Decker" <bdecker001 at centurytel.net> 

> Hi Eagle 31; 
> You don't need to modify the 1.6 pump to get 70 hp but you do need 
> to put on a TURBO. There is no way they can increase any place close to 18

> more hp from a 52 hp 1.6 VW diesel just by modifying a standard 1.6 na VW 
> Bosch injection pump. 
> Brian Decker 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On 
> Behalf Of engle31 at comcast.net 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 9:08 AM 
> To: Gerry Wolfe; vwdiesel at vwfans.com; rumple stiltskin 
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] ULSD effect on injector pump... :o{ 
> try these guys 
> http://www.dalsturbo.com/ 
> They can modify a standard 52hp 1.! 6na pum p to achieve around 70hp 

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