[Vwdiesel] ULSD
David Cook
vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 6 11:20:32 EST 2006
I would tend to agree that many people are getting a
little too worked up about it also.
I haven't used the ULSD as long as you, Terry, but we
have had it here since the beginning of the summer and
I haven't sprung any leaks yet either.
Someone here said they had a leak right after filling
up with ULSD. I tend to think it was more of a
coincidence than anything else.
That or the ULSD makes pre-existing hidden problems
show up.
An example of what I mean by that is people used to
blame synthetic oil for causing leaks in an engine.
The problem is really that the leak is actually there,
but has been plugged up by crud leftover from the old
dinosaur oil. The synthetic oil is put in, and all
the crud is washed away, so the leak is exposed.
I don't know how the ULSD is exposing a leak or
problem, but I personally wouldn't be surprised if
further research ends up showing this.
--- Terry Briggs <vbriggs at stny.rr.com> wrote:
> The subject of ultra low sulphur diesel has been a
> hot topic, well
> today while filling up the golf, I looked at the
> diesel pump and low
> and behold, marked on a small sticker were the words
> Ultra Low Sulphur
> Diesel Less than 50ppm sulphur well, being I'm
> usually in a hurry
> getting fuel {usually on the way to work} I never
> saw that, so while
> paying for the fuel, asked the cashier how long they
> had the ULSD, she
> told me they had it for the past 10 months ! well,
> now isn't that
> special .... well other than my diesel service
> additive I've been
> using, I've not added anything to add "lube" to the
> mix. I've had no
> problems with the ip crapping out, no leaks, other
> than the one o-ring
> on the throttle shaft. I'm begining to think maybe
> it's not nearly as
> bad as "they" want us to believe. "they" are out to
> get us ..."they "
> want us to buy new cars so we don't have to "worry"
> about the fuel. Bah
> hum bug ! no troubles so far and I've driven 36k on
> the stuff.
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
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