[Vwdiesel] HELP - WHEEL FELL OFF !!!

Rolf Pechukas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Thu Nov 16 19:24:32 EST 2006

UPDATE - 2006.11.14

well, here I am, back in the shop again
Tuesday evening
drove 400 miles over the weekend - listening to the tranny
brought it back to change tranny oil and repair the weld

welder tried to repair his weld, but apparently it still leaks, and  
maybe worse than before
guys are waiting now for their second epoxy fix to harden so they can  
fill tranny case again

meanwhile, they replaced 2 of the failed ball joint boots with larger  
aftermarket universal boots that they filled with grease
no idea if this is a good idea
the upper BJ on the passenger's side is lifting up, too
they said they'll fix that one too, but they can't keep 'giving me  
stuff - this has to be the end of it'
- the repair of the hole in the tranny, which happened b/c they  
didn't check stubby on initial repair, leaks; they are fixing it with  
glue (!)
- the brand new ball joints, which they had to take in and out twice  
now b/c they didn't do initial repair right, have ripped boots -  
their repairs of the boots may or not be kosher
- the tranny is definitely whining in a way I never heard before, and  
I am getting nervous it'll fail, or fail after the 30 day warranty  
they are supposedly giving me
- I have no confidence in the tranny, the BJs, or even the stubby w/  
new clip they put in
I am out $800 in labor alone
these guys say this is the 'end of it'
but all the potential issues I am facing are entirely a result of  
their botched initial repair

let this be one final lesson to me, yet again:
NEVER let anyone work on your rig, EVER, except for you

end transmission (so to speak)

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