[Vwdiesel] Gauging Interest-Squareback talk

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Mon Nov 27 04:00:53 EST 2006

I have read with interest, discussion of installing a diesel engine in an aircooled squareback. Such a conversion is beyond my capabilities. However, there is one aspect of this conversion I have not seen discussed. What is the weight difference between the aircooled VW engine & the VW diesel engine? If the diesel weighs a lot more, you may increase oversteer, a safety issue, especially with the VW swing axels. Remember the Corvair & Ralph Nader? GM corrected this problem by installing a camber comphensator in the 1964 Corvair & a fully independant rear suspension in the 1965 thru 1969 models. There also was a station wagon model Corvair as well as a pickup & van in the first series, '61 thru '63 I think. Have you considered putting a VW diesel in a Corvair? You might have a little more room to work with & a front end that might more easily accomodate a radiator.

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