[Vwdiesel] IP Pumps, runaway revs and blow by...

Finn Rod dubdeesel at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 13 11:09:39 EDT 2006

Yep, I'll have to try a rebuild on the pump cos I need
the turbo pump for the syncro... 

I've been looking in the archives about blow by and
runaway and I'm still a bit unsure what is happening
to me... 

As I understand it...

Runaway is caused by oil blowing back into the intake
and feeding the engine... caused by bad rings 
or bad stem seals allowing oil to run back into the

I've got a bit of blue smoke from the exhaust which
seems to disappear (at idle) when it's warmed up...
Nothing blowing from the dipstick and nothing really
visible blowing from the vent on the cam cover when I
disconnect the hose, (it has got a baffle) If I stick
my finger over it, it comes up black. Smells a bit
like burning oil... Less blow at higher revs. Exhaust
is "dry"
Don't know how long the engine has been sitting on a
pallet, could be over a year...

So far it's run long enough to warm up twice... driven
about 3 miles, starts beautifully...

But, if I rev it, even immeadiatly after starting, it
won't come back to idle... the revs stay high (sounds
like cruising speed I guess??) even blipping the
throttle doesn't bring them down or change them at
all. Pulling the throttle lever back hard against the
stop increases the revs slightly... Revs are
Disconnecting the breather makes no changes...

The pump has not been used since May 2005, it's been
on the van, full of diesel, through the winter
(-40C)and summer (+35C) As it's the TD pump with LDA I
just blocked the LDA tube and left it as is.
I know I have 3 good injectors and one solid stream,
no spray at all... 

One other thing, this engine has an hydraulic head but
the oil pump is from the old enguine (mechanical),
would that make any difference? 
Oil pressure about 4bar running and 1 at idle...
(normal for me)

So is this a blow by problem? and if it is, what's the
process to complete breakdown? (I need to know how
long I can trust it...)

Thanks guys, sorry it's a bit long... 

rod of finland

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