[Vwdiesel] IP Pumps, runaway revs and blow by...

Finn Rod dubdeesel at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 22 15:06:19 EDT 2006

Thanks Loren (for the translation!!!) and everyone for
their advice...
Just come back from a 1800km road test...

1983 Transporter with Audi 1.6NA (CK?), turbo pump
from 1987 Transporter, turbo injectors 068 130 201B
(155bar) from the same... 

averaged 7.04 litres/100km...

bit rattly on start up this morning but it was below
freezing and no where to plug in the block heater...
very happy, pulls better than before and no problems
so far...(except broke both front springs and 
anti-roll bar ends, but that's this weeks problem)

It snowed last night so very slippery on the way home
with summer tyres...

Thanks again...

rod of finland

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