[Vwdiesel] 91 Jetta Headlight Switch

Val Christian val at mongobird.com
Fri Oct 27 10:38:34 EDT 2006

Several days ago we discussed the headlight switch on a 91 Jetta.
I claimed that I had seen one for $19 and change on the autohausaz

Whether or not I saw one there, I was simply wrong.  It's really a 
common occurance that I'm wrong; just ask my spouse and kids.

Here's the scoop, from autohausaz:  The switch fits 90-92 Jettas,
and is 191 941 531 N, and costs $92.30.  So we're back where 
we started.  I'll continue to wiggle mine to get the headlights on.
When it fails, I'll go to a row of aircraft style toggle switches,
and use a checklist to get the marker lights, headlights, and 
enlightenment turned on.

Speaking of light problems...anyone receltly changed a license 
plate lamp on a 91 or similar vintage?  How do I get at it?  Do
I have to pull the big black trim on the back off?  Or am I just
wrong again?

Wrongly yours,


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