[Vwdiesel] Regarding Oil leaking into water

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 11 00:23:39 EDT 2006

No, sorry.  It is a dish soap.  Dish soap is pretty
darn good at getting grease off your hands when you
don't have "proper" hand cleaner around.  It is
designed to cut grease and I guess it doesn't much
care what kind of grease it is.

I guess it really doesn't matter a whole lot what
brand you use, and I would be careful about how much
you put in to start with, I don't remember what kind
of sudsing effect it would have in the cooling system
according to the guy who did it.  I'd try lower
concentrations and move up if they didn't work.


--- Sherwin Goff <sherwingoff at yahoo.com> wrote:

> David, thank you very much for the info
>   Is "Dawn" a laundry detergent?
>   Sherwin
>   David vwdieselbunnyeasel1 at yahoo.com wrote:
> Sherwin-
> I am familiar with the cooler you speak of.  In
> several years of reading several VW forums, I have
> only ever heard of one failing and leaking oil into
> the coolant.
> However, with VW diesels, it isn't all that uncommon
> to have a head gasket fail, and these are common
> symptoms
> of a failing head gasket.  I am sorry to break it to
> you...
> Whichever thing it happens to be, the only thing to
> do
> is replace the part, either the cooler or the
> gasket.
> I suppose you could pull the cooler off and take it
> to
> a radiator shop to have it pressure tested.  If it
> leaks, then you are lucky and all you have to do is
> replace it and clean out the cooling system.  (The
> guy
> dealing with the one instance of this failure I've
> seen used some Dawn to flush the system several
> times then gave it a good rinsing.)
> However, I'd give you 95% headgasket, and 5% oil
> cooler.
> Good luck,
> David

David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado 
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
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