[Vwdiesel] air in fuel line

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Wed Apr 11 10:48:35 EDT 2007

At 02:01 AM 11/04/2007 -0400, you wrote:

>if the problem is the filter can I use a filter that
>does not have the "T" and just create a union for the
>return  going to the tank like the early 1.6L engine

I would say  "Yes, and yes"

In sunny Kal, you do not need the T valve (for arctic weather)
It is always troublesome.

Might be usefull for thick veggie mix, to warm the filter, but it only
operates at frigid temps.

Here in KoldKanada, the old style 2 port filters cost 2x what the 2 port
plus T costs, ??
At cTc, anyway. I want to devise a "bung" to plug the T-valve hole so I can
use them as 2 port filters on all my cars.

I think, in the sunny south, 2 ports and a return by-pass is the way to go.


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