[Vwdiesel] Thoughts, '96 Passat TDI

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Fri Apr 13 13:25:28 EDT 2007

Well, the wife and I have matching silver 97 Passat and 99 Jetta.
It really confuses people, they never know who it is...

I think the price is a tad high. I don't know what cars are going for in 
your area, but it seems to me for that price, it would have to be a real 
creampuff, significantly better than your regular ten year old car. 
Since diesel owners are smarter and better looking, it would stand to 
reason that the car should be above average, but every now and again a 
Honda driver slips in the door...

I prefer the 97 over a 96, but it isn't a big deal.

the repairs are as stated, but a leaking top pump cover makes me wonder 
if someone hasn't been futzing around in there.

when was the intake manifold cleaned, T belt changed, what oil...
if the owner goes "Huh?" walk away, consider it to have been never done, 
which makes it an expensive car to own fr the first bit.

TDI's are starting to come into the local garages now with pistons and 
valves arguing over who gets to keep the chunk of black EGR shit that 
broke off the intake manifold and fell down, holding an intake valve 
open.  They have around 100k miles, basically honda owners that got a 
diesel to get better mileage, so they don't know any better, and the 
cars never see dealer or competent volks mechanics out in my neck of the 
woods, so they never know, just keep going to the quickie lube for that 
free windshield washer fluid top up and 729point vehicle inspection 
until it goes bang one day.

David Cook wrote:
> Hey all-
> I just talked to a guy selling a '96 TDI Passat.  It
> is a burgundy color with tan interior.  I saw it at
> night, but it looks to be pretty straight and clean
> from what I can tell.  (It is about 30 minutes away
> and I ran across it driving home.)
> He says it needs an ignition switch, and a
> gasket/o-ring for the top plate/cover of the injection
> pump, both of which are included but not installed. 
> He said that the gasket is easily replaceable, you
> just remove the top cover.  The drawings in Bentley
> appear to verify this, it looks like it is really more
> or less a cover and nothing essential would be
> disturbed by removing it.  (Can anyone verify this for
> me?)
> Anyway, he says the mileage is 105K.  He is asking
> $5795 for the car.
> My dad has a '96 TDI, and I think my mom likes it
> pretty well.  She has even driven it a few times
> (before that car, she has not driven a stick for many
> many years, long story) and thought it was okay.
> She really hates her gas-guzzling Caprice, so I'm
> thinking this might be a good option for her.  Plus,
> his and her Passats would be kind of funny.
> Thoughts?  Is that a good deal?
> David
> David Cook
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> and others in various states of disrepair
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