[Vwdiesel] old Diesel wreck/insurance issues

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Tue Apr 17 01:17:12 EDT 2007

. If you don't go through his insurance, you might not get anything 
without a court order, but I think the first thing the judge would ask 
is if you submitted a claim to the ins company, if you say no.... he 
may not be very sympathetic. Take the car to three separate dealership 
body shops to get an estimate {they will be the highest} then when you 
get your payout, take it to a local garage thats probably going to 
charge you half that.
On Apr 17, 2007, at 12:48 AM, S. Shourds wrote:

> Well, I still haven't figured out what the heck is wrong with the TDI 
> so
> I've been driving the '85 Jetta TD.  Until today when someone made a
> left turn right into the rear quarterpanel and spun me out :(
> The car's basically drivable, particularly after I have a shop pull the
> fender out to clear the wheel tomorrow morning, but doesn't look great.
> Both of the estimates I got were in the range of $1750-2000.  So, any
> advice on trying to get this thing fixed and out of the boneyard?  I'll
> pay it myself if I have to (this car and I have history together), but
> I'd rather beat enough out of the other driver/insurance to get it
> fixed.  The other driver didn't want to go through his insurance, so I
> might be able to bamboozle him out of more than the insurance would 
> pay,
> but he wasn't exactly driving a 7-series BMW.
> -Shalyn
> -85 Jetta TD--wrecked
> -00 Jetta TDI--broken
> -90 10 speed bike--looking pretty good by default
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