[Vwdiesel] Alternate Jack Locations

Val Christian val at mongo.mongobird.com
Sat Aug 11 06:53:37 EDT 2007

You can also use a light gauge pipe hanger...the kind made out of wire,
which hammer into wood.

James is correct, the old Rabbits and Jettas came with a tool for this,
along with a 10 and 13 mm open end wrench, a couple of soft screwdrivers
and the jack / wheel lug tools.


> > BTW, my new-to-me Jetta TD has full-wheel hubcaps.  I see one's been
> > damaged by prying on the outer edge.  What's the secret to extracting
> > these?
> There are two small holes on the periphery of the hubcap.  Use some 
> stiff wire, like welding wire, or better some stainless welding wire. 
> Cut a 3-ish inch long piece.  bend it in the middle so it wraps on 
> itself, but goes around a fairly stout screwdriver shank... and the ends 
> are spaced same as the two holes- like a tall "U".  Now bend it again at 
> 90 degrees a half inch from the end, so you have two parallel fishhook 
> looking things, still spaced same as your two holes in the hubcap.
> insert the two prongs into then hubcap, put screwdriver blade through 
> the loop, and against the tire, lever the cap off.  No dents.
> The tool kit is supposed to have that tool in with it.
> -james
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