[Vwdiesel] Rabbit A/C conversion

Bob Soukup bobs at chemdec.natsci.csulb.edu
Mon Aug 13 13:23:56 EDT 2007

The compressor I used is a Sanden SD-5 series.  It took a lot of studying the Sanden website to come up with models that could be used.  The original in my truck was a Sanden, so I had a good idea what to look for.  The Sanden site and Service Manual are very helpful for finding dimensions and installation info.  There are many configurations for compressors.  Need to be sure to have the correct belt pulley for your installation.  I checked EBay today and see at least one similar (but made for R134) to what I bought.  

See:  <http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/SANDEN-SD5-R134A-AIR-CONDITIONING-COMPRESSOR-NEW_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33543QQihZ019QQitemZ290147765731QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW>

Sanden web pages of interest are: 

The filter/dryer is an off the shelf (from AutoZone) replacement for most VW Rabbits.  The new dryer came with a port with a plug in it that I removed to install the pressure switch.  The switch itself is commonly used in a Jetta with A/C.

As to why the Low side service fitting ended up inside the cab...  When I measured for the hoses I couldn't find any other place where the service valve could be put.  Room is at a premium under the hood of a Rabbit.  The compressor needed to be positioned with the hose connections within a 90 degree arc from straight up.  This really limited my options.  I suppose I could have had the hose made with the service fitting somewhere in the middle of the run.

Bob Soukup
"81 RabbitTruck D.

> Craig Osborn wrote:
> Bob,
> Great web page -- THANKS.
> A few questions --
> Was the compressor that you purchased a VW compressor?
> Was the dryer a VW dryer or did you have to buy a non-VW because you needed
> a "port" to plug in the cutoff switch?
> My car had a poor quality attempt at 134 conversion by the previous owner (I
> think that is why I have problems because I suspect that he didn't evacuate
> the system and I may have a mix of refrigerants) the service fittings are in
> the engine compartment -----  I am curious as to why your low side service
> valve is in the interior?

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