[Vwdiesel] Another 1.6TD lives again, 92 Eco Diesel is running

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Thu Aug 16 00:33:54 EDT 2007

coolness !  is the oil pressure just a tad low ? I don't think mine has 
ever seen below 40 psi after running and really warmed up at idle. My 
cold oil pressure even in the summer is 90 psi.
On Aug 15, 2007, at 1:07 PM, 82 Diesel Westy wrote:

> Once Again, thanks to all of you, my motor is up and
> running.  The head re-construction is a success.
> Persistence and Patients always seem Prevail, the 3
> P's.
> She did not bump over on the first few tries, I had a
> heck of a time getting the pump to prime, but after a
> few attempts I was able to suck enough air out of the
> line from the tank with the mighty vac.  What worked
> best was disconnecting the hose to the fuel filter,
> sucking air out, connecting it back to fuel filter.
> Then moved to the OUT banjo bolt and sucked lots more
> from here.
> I still have minor fuel leaks on 2 fuel lines to the
> injector, but have removed the fuel lines.  I will
> lightly sand the bulb end of the line and give it a
> few good turns back and forth in the injector top to
> help it SEAT without leaking.  Injectors were moved
> around in relation to fuel lines so this is expected.
> Oil pressure gauge said 30psi when cold and 15-20psi
> when warmed up.  I am not sure if my lifters have
> fully pumped up, I just ran it at idle and some rev in
> the garage, but not even hard enough to spin up the
> turbo.  I will drive it lightly this evening.
> But all in all, it sounded and smelled good!
> **  **  **
> I am still sucking air, but it runs for now.  I can
> see too many bubbles still coming from the tank when
> she is running.
> I don't want to fart around with this, so is it
> easiest to replace the entire fuel line from fuel
> filter to the plastic water separator or replace from
> the water separator to the tank first.  I see the
> special crimped metal connectors that join the plastic
> fuel line to rubber braided lines, they are rusted
> away, so one of these must be the air leak I am
> seeing.
> ** Any suggestions please **
> Bryan, NJ
> Bryan Belman, Pt Pleasant, NJ
> 04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp   -- running :)
> 82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA               -- running :)
> 92 Jetta 1.6 Eco-Turbo Diesel       -- running :)
> 90 Audi 200, 2.2L Turbo FWD         -- stripping for parts now :(
> 70 Type 1 stock Beetle              -- Not running well :(
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