[Vwdiesel] installing block heater - tips?

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Aug 21 03:20:04 EDT 2007

  Instructions say use the front hole of the three.  I always 
have used the center.  At VW we used a chisel and a hammer.  
Time consuming and TEDIOUS, not to mention neck and arm 
cramping.  I turned to using an air chisel.  Short bursts, use 
the corner and take your time.  It still only takes about 5 to 
10 minutes instead of 30+ pounding with the limited swing 
range with a hammer and chisel!!!  Shop forman didn't care 
much for the idea, so I'd wait 'til he was out of ear shot and 
grab the air chisel!  :-D  Standing around looking busy STILL 
got it done in half the time and with my arms ready to do the 
next job rather than being limp for a half hour!
  There's about 3/4" behind the plug, more in the middle as it's 
right between two cylinders.  Get a hole/slot in it, pry it bigger, 
get a angled pry bar or LARGE screwdriver in it, lever against 
the block and pry it out.  

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