[Vwdiesel] Bench testing 4 glow plugs at once, how about this for an idea.

Sandy Cameron scameron at storm.ca
Tue Aug 21 11:55:02 EDT 2007

Wont hurt  them, but a lot of bother.

Grab the threaded portion of the barrel with one clip of a battery charger,
and touch the other one to the terminal and watch the tip. It should get red
in about 5 to 10 seconds. If so, it's good. If not, it's blown. When you
have observed the red glow, disconnect.
They should not be left powered for any length of time out of the heat sink

Don't touch the hot end, and be carefull where you set it down

Firing up all 4 at once is more of a battery test than a glow plug test.

At 08:12 AM 21/08/2007 -0700, you wrote:
>I know this has been gone over many times, has anyone
>ever tried this.
>Take 4 glow plugs, line them up in a BIG vise for
>grounding on a large wooden workbench.
>Ground the vise to neg. term of a battery with jummper
>Take an 8 or 10 gauge wire and connect the positive
>terminals all together in series.
>Connect this Red wire for 5 seconds
>What do you think, Good test or Bad test.
>Bryan, NJ
>Bryan Belman, Pt Pleasant, NJ
>04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp   -- running :)
>82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA               -- running :)
>92 Jetta 1.6 Eco-Turbo Diesel       -- running :)
>90 Audi 200, 2.2L Turbo FWD         -- stripping for parts now :(
>70 Type 1 stock Beetle              -- Not running well :(
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