[Vwdiesel] freeze plug stuck - installing block heater - tips?
David Cook
vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 22 02:43:38 EDT 2007
I had a hard time prying one out once. It seems like
I used a slide hammer to get it out. Took a couple
times to get it out without the screwdriver popping
out of the plug, but it worked.
--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> Generally a 2' long angled pry bar does the trick.
> One that
> has about an inch or so, a bend then the shaft. Too
> big a hole
> and it'll slip out. You want the bend to sit
> against the block and
> the tip to be within the hole. Pry, sometimes
> pretty hard. It should
> lever sideways. Then a pair of channel locks does
> the rest. Grab
> the edge of the plug with them and use the curved
> edge of the
> jaw against the block to lever/roll the plug the
> rest of the way out.
> Sometimes they pumch all the way in. A little
> more challenging
> to get out. Doesn't sound like you have that
> problem though.
> Loren
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