[Vwdiesel] Success! freeze plug stuck - installing block heater - tips?

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Thu Aug 23 01:46:11 EDT 2007


Thanks everyone for the help and a special thanks to Val for the
encouraging phone call.  

A bit of P'Blaster and a bigger prybar worked.  That plug is much deeper
than I had imagined.

Loren, the 2' bar must have been on a different layout.  I could barely
fit a 16" prybar in there, and even then it was under the master
cylinder and I was pulling towards some vulnerable brake lines.  

In the ecodiesel a 12" would probably fit better, but hey the block
heater is in.

That being said, the block heater is nice and snug but I can still
rotate it 90 degrees back and forth.  Sound normal?!


On Wed, 2007-08-22 at 01:59 -0400, LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>   Generally a 2' long angled pry bar does the trick.  One that 
> has about an inch or so, a bend then the shaft.  Too big a hole 
> and it'll slip out.  You want the bend to sit against the block and 
> the tip to be within the hole.  Pry, sometimes pretty hard.  It should 
> lever sideways.  Then a pair of channel locks does the rest.  Grab 
> the edge of the plug with them and use the curved edge of the 
> jaw against the block to lever/roll the plug the rest of the way out.
>   Sometimes they pumch all the way in.  A little more challenging 
> to get out.  Doesn't sound like you have that problem though.
>      Loren

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