[Vwdiesel] Guilty ECO Memories

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 22 19:43:06 PST 2007


Well, sounds like you should have kept it. As for the slow part, ask Nick 
(makita) how to fix that. I drove his, and it will damn near keep up with my 

As for old -vs- new. I'll always take an older one over a newer one. I work 
on them daily (as a tech) and I'm not that fond of the newer ones. They just 
seem to take a lot more maintenance than the older ones. But, they are far 
nicer cars. And a chip and european nozzles away from being pretty sprightly 
cars! I have a couple of customers with modded cars. But, I drive an 82 n/a, 
and will stick with it till it completely falls apart.

Tony Hoffman
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Kelly" <magnificationbill at hotmail.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 6:30 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Guilty ECO Memories

> This ECO talk lately reminds me of my '91 ECOJetta. Bought it in the mid 
> 90's from Dwight Harrison VW here in Snellville, Ga. 5,000.00 including 
> tax. Used it for business travel until '04, when I bought an '01 Jetta GLS 
> TDI. The ECO had 225,000 miles when I sold it to a retired Marine, who 
> bought it sight unseen for my asking price, 3,500.00.....sniff...
> It had nice 5 spoke alloys, Michelin MXV4's and an H4 quad, round 
> headlight setup, and it was black with excellent gray cloth 
> interior....Sniffsniff....SOB
> I practiced Anal Maintenance, replacing the clutch at 156k just in case, 
> replaced the door handles, one of the wierd cooling fans, always serviced 
> it regularly ( tbelts,wpump,ect. )  and it never let me down...
> I KNOW the newer TDI is better for my travels....That ECO would cruise at 
> 80 all day, problem was it took alllll day to get to 80 ! I didn't know 
> what I was missing 'till I test drove my Mk 4 , and it made my ECO seem 
> like an oxcart. Still, I feel to this day like I abandoned my leetle 
> friend...
> The new owner ( John Roos, are you out there ?? ) paid cash, and after a 
> nice visit, he drove away, never even test drove it....He drove it to Las 
> Vegas the following week , to his new job with the EPA....So I'll probably 
> never see it again, but at least I know it's being well cared for...
> My family hated it, I should have kept it anyway. I'll never see another 
> as sniffsniffsniffSOB nice as my leetle friend !!
> I feel dirty and small...
> Name withheld due to SHAME 

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