[Vwdiesel] 92 Eco ip pump leak

Andrew .Libby libbybapa at gmail.com
Sat Jan 6 20:40:21 EST 2007

Rob, you got very, very, very lucky.  Just easing the distrbutor block out a
small amount can cause the pulnger foot to become un-indexed with the
camplate or for the small "washer" at the base of the plunger foot to fall
between the plunger and the camplate and snap the plunger right quick.  It
can be done safely (IMO) with the pump on the car, but it is necessary to
place the engine miday between TDC and BDC and to remove the timing plug
bolt from the center of the fuel distributor, place a shim item in there and
crank the bolt back in in order to keep the plunger firmly pressed against
the camplate.  Then undo the four distributor bolts a little, then crank the
center bolt in a little, then crank out the distributor a little, etc....

Here's a link with further info on the hows an whys:



On 1/6/07, Area31 Research Facility <stephensrw at stn.net> wrote:
> I changed this o-ring on my 1980, 1.5L Rabbit engine on the engine.  It is
> in my DIY 3-phase 10 kW generating plant indoors.  I eased out the block
> only far enough to access the o-ring and used a longer bolt in one of the
> four mounting bolt holes to keep it from coming out further.  Slid the
> o-ring by stretching it carefully over the end block.  No problems.
> A bunch of black spooge drained out of the gap into my catch can when I
> pulled out the end block past the seal.  Ever since the stumbling problem
> when cold has gone away.
> Rob
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Marvin Jansen" <marvinjansen50 at gmail.com>
> To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 2:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] 92 Eco ip pump leak
> >A neighbor has a 92 Ecodiesel Jetta with a leak at what appears to be
> > the joint between the ip head (where the lines fasten on) and the
> > body.  I replaced an o ring on one off the car, anyone ever change it
> > on the vehicle?  He is selling the car in Tuscaloosa if anybody is
> > interested.
> >

I'm really just fine with my own hypocrisy,
it's when someone else is a hypocrite that it
really ticks me off...


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