[Vwdiesel] Was someone after a Mercedes diesel?

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Wed Jan 17 20:31:40 EST 2007

In a message dated 1/17/2007 1:49:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
quantum-man at hotmail.co.uk writes:

> Hey  Lauren its the President not Shalyn!
> It is a nice little motor though. 1959 diesel? Can that be original?
> I agree that running with no boost fuel is not the way to go but to be fair 
> I think Svend modified his setup with a solenoid switched boost air fuelling 
> for that emergency...

  Never thought you were Shalyn, I was point out to SHALYN 
that someday his project may look that good, or not.  ;-)
  I think Svend just had a hose or valve in the car he was 
connecting or switching.

> After my initial fiddling with the spaceship leaning it out  I found best 
> economy (so far) was  with boost fueling slightly richer than factory! I 
> think this is related to running 'lean' leads to hammering the accelerator 
> pedal (and pulling the steering wheel near off when that slow truck I'm 
> overtaking speeds up....
> Mark

  That's what I've always said basically.  Starving the 
enginedoesn't make for better mileage such as in a gasser.  
Once you're down to not blowing black, any more just robs 
you of useful power.  Even when romping it I've always 
made better mileage by having my power available rather 
than cut down.  "Leaning" a diesel by adjusting the pump 
is no different than putting a block under the pedal, putting 
slack in the cable or just keeping your foot off the floor. 
  My Dasher's mileage went UP when I learned how to turn the 
pump up.  It'd gone up for the PO when he put the BAE kit on 
it and then even more for me when I turned it up and got some 
actual performance out of it.  600F max EGT just isn't very sporty!

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