[Vwdiesel] Project Rabbits for Sale

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Sat Jan 20 04:01:33 EST 2007

Reply to Sandy. Much of Grass Valley & Nevada City are the same although growing. There is a strong effort to keep these historic buildings maintained & preserved. The first time I saw Grass Valley/Nevada City was in Nov. 1992 & we moved here in 1993. I have a 2400 square foot garage & it is full of collector cars & no room for the Rabbits which are for sale - too many other projects. As to the historic hotels, you are off a few years. There is the Hollbrock Hotel in Grass Valley & the National Hotel in Nevada City, both built around 1862 with one, the oldest continuously running hotel in Calif., don't recall which one. Fortunately we live in one of the least prone earthquake areas of Calif. with unrenforced brick bldgs from the 1860s, still standing.

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