[Vwdiesel] was removing ignition switch, now dim headlights

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Sat Jan 20 11:42:04 EST 2007

Chris Jude wrote:
> Never did have to get the ignition switch off.  Finally tracked the problem
> down to a bad solenoid on the starter.  Ordered a new starter from
> AutohausAZ and put it in last night.  The car is starting up great now.
> Thanks to the listers for all the advice on this one.
> One problem I still have though, is the dim lights.  I've replaced the
> ground straps, and put a new 4ga wire from the battery+ to the starter, and
> cleaned up the wires at the starter.  New battery too.  The lights are still
> really dim, can't see very well if there is oncoming traffic with lights
> on.  All the fuses look fine, what should i check next?
> Chris

Here is one option:


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