[Vwdiesel] Burning Crankcase Oil
Val Christian
val at mongo.mongobird.com
Sat Jul 7 14:01:41 EDT 2007
While on one of my varied pursuits, having nothing to do with diesel VWs,
I stumbled upon an opinion from the NY State Attorney General (perhaps it
was the comptroller...don't believe anything I tell you).
The opinion states that off-road dyed diesel fuel, when mixed 5% with
recycled oil, constituted a non-taxable blend of fuel (don't quote my exact
words), and the requestor was not required to pay road taxes on such
fuel. [If the mix went to 4%, they were responsible for taxes, go
I was wondering why a construction company would go to so much trouble to
save $$$ in diesel fuel, and risk all the problems which could result
from crankcase oil running through injector pumps. So I dug a little more.
It seems that Cat has a bulletin out, which permits this practice,
(and maintains the warranty coverage), with 5% crankcase oil,
from the same engine. Aggregating oil from other engines is not
permitted, and suitable filters are required.
Anyone hear of this? I wonder if crankcase/WVO/whatever would be
legal in other states, when mixed in suitable quantities?
ps: I wonder if synthetics are used in Cat engines?
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