[Vwdiesel] Burning crankcase oil

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Sun Jul 8 00:15:54 EDT 2007

I have not tried this but have burned waste automatic transmission oil at times in the past. At one time I recall adding a gallon to a diesel motorhome I had. I keep track of my MPG from tank to tank but did not add the amount of ATF fluid in computing my MPG. I did not notice any increase in MPG but have heard adding an occasional quart or so of ATF fluid would help clean injectors. Somehow, I thought it would be harmful to add waste engine oil to diesel fuel & just never thought of raising the question, but on second thought, if properly filtered, would there be any advantage or dis-advantage of adding used crank case oil to diesel fuel? I don't want to be "penny wise & pound foolish". However, I think the main attraction most of us have to diesel is saving money.

Back in the late '50s when I lived in Minn., I knew a co-worker who would collect all the waste engine oil he could & burn it in his home furnace. He said he had a "Winkler" brand home oil furnace which was designed to burn used engine oil which he would mix with heating fuel oil.

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