[Vwdiesel] Cleaning needed? - Update

Dan Sloan dan.sloan at DRAKE.EDU
Tue Jul 24 10:39:23 EDT 2007

I tore into it this weekend...the EGR valve had enough carbon deposits that
the large butterfly valve wouldn't move. After cleaning, it seems to work
fine.  The intake manifold does have a pretty good layer of deposits, maybe
an 1/8in deep all around the interior walls.  Is it worth cleaning at this
point? Or should I wait until it gets worse?  I ran soapy water through the
intercooler until it ran clear, then used a hair dryer to dry it out.  I
also ran a cleaning rag through all hoses plastic and rubber.  

The vehicle also has a bent control arm, and bad CV joint, so It's going to
sit on blocks until I get parts.

 Thanks folks!

-- Dan
On 7/19/07, Tony and Lillie <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net> wrote:
> STOP!! Those TDI's are VERY well documented as clogging up the intlke
> manifolds, to the point that a 3/4 or so inch port is about 1/4 inch. My
> boss' wife drives a 99 beetle right now, she says it will only hit 25 or
> so
> in second, floored.
> Anyhow, I wouldn't spend $1200 anywhere on one of those. A TDI really
> isn't
> that complicated an engine. And, $1200 for an EGR valve and a sensor. I
> really can't imagine. The intercooler is mounted in front of the right
> tire,
> BTW.
> Hope this helps,
> Tony Hoffman
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dan Sloan" <dan.sloan at DRAKE.EDU>
> To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 10:18 AM
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Cleaning needed?
> > My sister has a 2000 TDI Beetle with black smoke/ low power response
> > problems.  She took it into the dealer and was told she needed an
> > Intercooler thrust sensor, and an EGR valve.  Repair cost quoted at
> $1200.
> >
> >
> >
> > What are the odds the intercooler/EGR system is just coked up and
> > desperately needs cleaning?  I'll be looking it over this next weekend,
> > and
> > would like to be somewhat prepared.
> >
> > -- Dan
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