[Vwdiesel] longevity of 86 jetta?paint time

raymond greeley rgreeley2 at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 6 08:20:37 EDT 2007

Hello Loren and all.
I have several vw's that could benefit from this product.the jetta that went through water pump hell, developedbrake line failure (rust) and i could see using such a product on lines that where begining to rust.The paint sounds interesting as i have a cabrio that i would like to like to protect the underparts of. It willdrink diesel soon.I would like to paint this cabrio and another truck, in a white, something i can touch as needed. James Hansen
has mentioned tremclad as a rollon though i would prefer
to spray, (and have the equipment). Is there a paint
you know of. Some here have mentioned that one of the
parts franchises, maybe murrys, carrys a paint with limted
colors that sounded like it might work.
I'm not opposed to repair, prime and take it to macco.
sometimes the sales make good time/value sense,
though my truck will occasional touch up.

From: LBaird119 at aol.comDate: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 03:14:39 -0400Subject: Re: longevity of 86 jetta?To: rgreeley2 at hotmail.comwhat is rust mort and where can one from salty winter chicago, get some. ray  It's made by SEM.  It should even come up on an ebay search.  Any decent body shop supplier SHOULD have it.  Even our local parts supplier can get it even though he doesn't stock it.  It's about $50 or so a gallon.  It comes in smaller sizes too but I eventually can go through a gallon!  There's similar product out there but simple "metal prep" type stuff doesn't cut it.  The main ingredient is phosphoric acid.  Somehow Rust Mort does a little more though and converts rather than just clean up the rust.  If you're painting you don't necessarily need that but left open it's probably worth the few more bucks.  There's also POR-15 paint. It's black, glossy, HARD primer.  Eastwood catalog has sold it for years. It works great but it's moisture cured so as you use the can, it tends to dry up on you long before you'll use it up unless you need a quart (or whatever size) at the time you open it.     Loren**************************************See what's free at http://www.aol.com. 

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