[Vwdiesel] truck for sale

rumple stiltskin stiltskin1969 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 20 11:51:31 EDT 2007

VW truck, 1982, 
  with 1984 rabbit diesel engine, rebuilt @98,000 miles.
  87 Jetta 5 speed trans. 
all this work done by professional shop mechanics...
  all receipts available for viewing
  good body work & repairs....
  305-731-3185 8am-8pm. mike 
stiltskin1969 at yahoo.com 
  u may forward or pass on by email to others or help with proper in for sale items

James Hansen <jhsg at sasktel.net> wrote:  I had high hopes for the iron head guy in OZ, but alas, not enough 
demand I guess. He makes iron heads for a whack of other Al head motors 
however, so maybe one day.

The President wrote:
> Did anyone ever make a cast iron head for the 1.6TD?
> No?
> Why the 'eck not?
> Mark
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