[Vwdiesel] Stuck rotors

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 25 23:33:52 EDT 2007

A couple of things. Yes, the screws quite often break off or loose their 
heads/strip out. If there is some of the head lift, you can just drill it 
off. After that, heat the rotor "hat" and hit it with a good sized hammer. 
It will probably take a couple of good blows, but it should come off.

Tony Hoffman

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave" <vwzoo at yahoo.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 1:28 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Stuck rotors

> Hi all,
>   I am redoing the brakes on my 82 VW Rabbit truck.
> The brake lines rusted in two a while back.  I have
> got to the point where I am changing the rotors and
> they are stuck on.  There is no head on the screw
> holding the rotor on. I haven't done much yet as I was
> hoping somebody has had some experience they could
> share on getting these old rotors off.  I am thinking
> I am going to have to drill out the old screw holding
> it.
> Thanks
> Dave
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