[Vwdiesel] Quantum lives...

82 Diesel Westy dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 27 13:59:29 EDT 2007

That is the kind of thing that is and will continue to
kill us all.  Greed and money, take today and do not
worry about my kids or grand kids.  I like to drink
good scotch, live in a house 5 times to big for my
needs, pay an American land scarper who in turn only
hires Mexican day labors to do his lawn and drive the
big SUV with extra large diesel engine that gets
12MPG.  All perks on us, the tax payer.

When will it end?

--- raymond greeley <rgreeley2 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Illinois, USA, changed the inspection rules.
> stopping testing on anything, at this point, 1994
> and older. they stopped testing the largest group of
> cars that  fail and thus  allow them to continue
> poluting. It is beyond even  bad judgement. whom
> would benefit from such a change, It has been
> suggested that this was a way for the state to
> reduce testing costs. It seems that a new way of
> testing, computer module hook up, is being used and
> the a new co. got the contract and that this co. has
> little experience though was a big contributer to
> the current govenor. Politics again> From:
> quantum-man at hotmail.co.uk> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 17:04:00 +0000> Subject:
> [Vwdiesel] Quantum lives...> > Quantum passed its
> annual road test. Just needed one 50 cents sized
> hole > patching. $30. Whilst waiting a BMW only 10
> yrs old had a failure > sheet...[s] amounting to the
> size of a chidren's comic. I hate these > tests...
> it's like going to the dentists... But I do leave
> with a smirk when > it passes...> > So this time I
> happened to mention to the BMW driver that I bought
> this > Quantum for £29; 2 years ago; and it needed
> just a parking brake clean and a > wash due to being
> stuck under a hedge for the previous 2 years to pass
> this > test last year and has now become become a
> little bit costly with this £15 > rust hole... :o)>
> > Looking on the internet I've discovered that the
> rules for our emissions > testing follows the oldest
> of either the engine, or the car.> So if I put in a
> 1966 engine it would need no emissions test or more
> likely > if I stuck in a 2008 TDI engine it would be
> tested on the 1988 age of the > car; Pre CAT and
> almost impossible to fail...> >
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