[Vwdiesel] Diesel conversions

pmdolan at sasktel.net pmdolan at sasktel.net
Sat Mar 3 10:09:00 EST 2007

When we were in the biz, our partner was a Kiwi who made the first trip (his BIL was already doing it) and went to the contacts.  He selected a container load of gas and a container load of diesel.  For each one, they smiled and said "yes" and so on.  When the containers got to Canada, vitually NONE of the engines were the ones he selected.  We soon began to realize that in Japan, yes, can mean yes, maybe or no bloody way, mate!

----- Original Message -----
From: LBaird119 at aol.com
Date: Friday, March 2, 2007 12:21 pm
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Diesel conversions

> In a message dated 3/2/2007 2:43:53 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
> toensing at wildblue.net writes:
> > There was something else I just though of. In Japan they have 
> some real 
> > draconian auto inspection laws that require very expensive 
> safety inspection 
> > laws for 3 or 4 year old cars, designed to get older cars junked 
> to be able to 
> > sell more new cars. As a result, many cars with less than 30,000 
> miles are 
> > junked or exported to third world countries. In junking these 
> cars, the engines &
> > transmissions are often salvaged &exported over here. This is 
> why you can 
> > buy used Japanese enginesfor around $600 or less. Since many 
> diesels are sold 
> > overseas including Japan, it might be possible to find an engine 
> importer who 
> > can find you a Japanese diesel long block &transmission.
> > 
>  That's how I got my two RD28 diesels.  It's not easy though. 
> Most of the low mile importers don't want to bother bringing 
> them in (other than one place in FL on ebay, that's very poor 
> about replies).  The one that did mine actually had to go to Japan 
> personally to get it done.  Nobody would listen to him and throw 
> one in a container until he actually had someone by the ear!
>     Loren
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