[Vwdiesel] brake bleeders

Justin and Michella Bennett cjb at midrivers.com
Tue Mar 13 15:50:41 EDT 2007

Guess that is the danger of translating techniques from aircraft to 
auto's.  It didn't even cross my mind about all the gunk in the wheel 
cylinders getting pushed back to the master cylinder.  Thus the reason I 
prefer to work on airplanes, much cleaner to work on.  The back bleeding 
method is the prescribed method in most aircraft manuals.  Good thing I 
have only done this a couple of times on my own rigs.  Usually done 
after major brake work so things the fluid is clean and the cylinders 
are new or rebuilt.  I have enough help that preventive brake 
maintenance bleeding is done the old way of pump, hold, and bleed.  

> There are reasons not to do this.
> you push the old used contaminated fluid, dirt, rust what have you 
> through the entire system, back through the master cylinder, where it 
> will stay in the master cylinder and eat up the master cyl seals.
> The stuff at the end of the line, gets the heat, and wearing bits from 
> the slave cylinder in the lines, you really want to do away with this, 
> not put it into the rest of the system.
> -james

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