[Vwdiesel] about the pump kit at

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Wed Mar 14 12:12:00 EDT 2007

The word you are looking for is Viton.
It doesn't matter if he's soaking the o-rings in 3 month old cat pee, 
you want viton seals. That's stable in bio-d application.
If he can't use the word Viton, then he has buna-n o-rings.

MLightner wrote:
>> Has anyone ordered the kit?, On thier website it says it doesn't include the front seal.
>>  Are they talking about the big o ring near the front?
> which front are you talking about?
>>  if not, is the one they are talking about an issue?
>>  and are the seals vitron?
>>  Paul
> Were you asking about the kit from  http://www.dieselvw.com/ ?  Whether or not, I emailed
> the guy asking what kind of material the o-rings are, and this was his reply:
>>> 	HI, I've been soaking my seals in Biodiesel, and haven't seen any
>>> 	changes in them.  If you would like to phone in an order, my number is
>>> 	704.530.1747
>>> 	Pete
> Not exactly a reassuring response in my book, but maybe it's 
> hard to get that info even from the source of the kit (I also asked if he'd 
> take orders over the phone). 
> Anyway, I hope to find that people at diesel service centers 
> are somewhat more knowledgeable, it doesn't seem to me that it should be 
> that hard of a question to answer, at least not for a good injection pump tech.
> Mike in NC
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