[Vwdiesel] about the pump kit at

MLightner mikel at buncombe.main.nc.us
Wed Mar 14 21:55:39 EDT 2007

James Hansen wrote:

> The word you are looking for is Viton.

I knew that, it was the guy I was replying to who misspelled it  :)
I have been wondering though, what's the proper way to say it - is the ' 
I ' pronounced like the i in high or like the e in he?

> It doesn't matter if he's soaking the o-rings in 3 month old cat pee, 
> you want viton seals. That's stable in bio-d application.
> If he can't use the word Viton, then he has buna-n o-rings.
> -james
Eventually I'll make it to a town where there is actual brick and mortar 
buildings with people who are knowledgeable about what they're doing 
there at their place of business - at least, I hope so...

Mike in NC

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