[Vwdiesel] Engine Balancing (Rudy)

Keith Family familykeith at vtrocket.com
Thu Mar 22 12:58:01 EDT 2007

That's a definite YES to balancing the engine.  Especially if 
you're bringing in a foreign flywheel and pressure plate.

Done a couple of Model A engines.  Originally these engines were 
all dynamically balanced by Ford with the crank, flywheel and 
pressure plate attached together as a balance unit.  I can 
confirm that something as simple as turning a flywheel 180 
degrees afterwards (which is possible on the Model A) can make a 
big difference in how much vibration the engine creates.

Of course to mark things as they come apart is only good mechanic 
practice.  After components have been reworked I usually do 
dynamic balance with crank front pulley, crank, flywheel, 
pressure plate together and in their original orientations but 
without the clutch disk in place (clutch disk position is a bit 
more variable than the rest of the components IMHO)

On the last engine, the balancer asked about doing the crank and 
flywheel separately.  I replied yes as long as they are done 
together afterwards.  He didn't like the thought and didn't see 
the need but did as I requested.  (for additional $ of course) 
Best running engine yet.

Good luck,
"Squeeky" the 03 TDI Golf 

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